Programs & Services

Hello! I offer 20+ years’ experience as an HR/OD professional and a passion for personal and organizational transformation. Let’s talk!

I help individuals, leaders, and organizations maximize potential and thrive by increasing their impact and effectiveness in all aspects of their life. I do this by enhancing self-awareness, exploring innate personality, and identifying self-protective behaviours.

Specifically, I focus on identifying behavioural patterns that both enhance and/or get in the way of success by exploring personality and how the brain is organized. I have developed and launched the “This Is You!” workshop/webinar, based on a neuro-psychological framework for development called the Striving Styles Personality System (SSPS), an evolution of the MBTI and Jung’s Personality Types.

In my role as HR/OD consultant, I specialize in building leadership capacity, defining strategy and organizational design, and fostering high performance cultures to create sustainable competitive advantage and superior results in organizations. I also specialize in providing leadership support to organizations undergoing significant growth or radical change and evolution. With entrepreneurs, I work to help them and their business realize their potential by working through limitations to growth. I offer customized approaches to strategy development, organizational design, leadership team development. succession management, leadership selection and the creation of high performance cultures through integrated leadership systems.

What does this mean for you or your business?

I support individuals or groups lead and live better, enrich personal relationships, and have more impact by enhancing self-aware, understanding personality traits, and identifying self-protective behaviours. I love helping people or organizations achieve their fullest potential where it matters most.


“He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.”  Lao Tzu

I help you discover who you are at your core, understand your strengths and areas for development, and bring out your best self.  The SSPS will offer you clear insights into your behaviors so that you can grow and thrive.  My strength is seeing the potential in people and helping them raise their bar and I’m committed to helping people become who they authentically need to be, so they can do what they love to do and live their best life.


“Who we are is how we lead.”  Brene’ Brown

I “get” how leadership affects organizational culture at a deep level so I design your programs to create authentic leadership and lasting change. To grow and succeed, you need clear insights into your behaviors and how they impact other people.  I personally oversee all projects and facilitate all sessions.  This allows me to observe each participants development and provide specific ongoing feedback and support.  In conjunction with the SSPS I use my own knowledge, expertise and experience to deliver proven  transformational programs and business solutions.

I’m committed to your results – Your success is my success! I am fully invested in delivering individual and team development that will make a positive impact on your results.

Why work with me?

Photo source: Photo by Meve R. from Pexels